
East Beechboro Primary School

Enrolment Details. 

The School Education Act 1999 guarantees a place for every child in the compulsory years of schooling (Years Pre-Primary-6) in their local school. East Beechboro Primary School is a Local Intake School that currently offers places for students in  Kindergarten to Year 6 who currently reside within the boundaries of our local intake area (as determined by the Department of Education).

Enrolment at East Beechboro Primary School is subject to a number of eligibility requirements and submission of records. These include:

  • Within school boundary (Local Intake) See Boundary Map Below
  • Birth Certificate
  • Immunisation documents (AIR Immunisation History Statement)
  • Proof of address (eg utility account)

Please note: On 22 July 2019, changes to the Public Health Act 2016 (WA) and the School Education Act 1999 (WA), came into effect that will better protect young and vulnerable WA children and the wider community from vaccine-preventable diseases.  Under these new changes, a child’s immunisation status must be ‘up-to-date’ according to their AIR Immunisation History Statement and must be dated within 2 months of the date of application for enrolment to be permitted to enrol into Kindergarten. You can access your Child's immunisation statement using your online Medicare Account via the myGov website.

In order to ensure that our school offers the best quality of education and care for your child, it is important that you advise us if your child has:

  • Special Needs requirements
  • Medical conditions
  • Visa subclass
  • Family Court orders (for confirmation of proof of name or custody arrangements)


Transition is a term to describe movement through the different stages in your child’s education.  This includes moving from home to early childhood education, from Pre-primary to Year 1, from primary school to secondary school and finally school onto further study, work or training.

There are other recognised periods of transition including moving from one school to another or moving between the years of secondary school such as from Year 10 to Year 11.

All of these periods of transition involve a certain level of emotional and practical adjustment for you, your child and your family and may result in your child experiencing some uncertainty and anxiety.

Depending on the transition, your child may have to deal with issues such as separation from you or siblings, adjust to learning in a structured environment, and learning to adjust to a number of different teachers.

The teaching staff at school will work with you to make these transitions as easy on your child as possible.

Preparing for, and talking about the move can make a big difference to your child. The more you know about our school, the better their transition will be.

Enrolment Forms. 

Applications for Enrolment are available from the school office or by clicking on the hyperlink below.

Applications can be returned to the school by mail, in person

or by email:  EastBeechboro.ps@education.wa.edu.au

Photo and Computer Permissions and Third Party Services. 

East Beechboro Primary School provides students access to Department of Education online services which are designed to enhance their learning experiences. Teaching staff also access a range of teaching tools in the delivery of the Western Australian Curriculum.

From 2021, all schools are required to seek parent permission for their child to have access to an online account and to a variety of educational apps and services used in our teaching programs.  Permission is sought at the time of enrolment as students will only be permitted to access computers when permission has been returned to the school.

2023 Parent Handbook & Other Information.

For simple strategies to help raise confident, healthy children and build stronger family relationships, the Triple P – Positive Parenting Program may help. Find a FREE seminar near you.